-Una de mis bandas favoritas, Demented Are Go. Sus canciones han sido parte de mi vida y ahora tengo el honor de hacer un póster para ellos, me vinieron a la mente tantos conciertos y tantos momentos junto a ellos de barra en barra por el Psycho Meeting y Barcelona que no pude inspirarme en otra cosa que en Zombies! 😉 Rabia, furia, mugre, sangre y Psycho! Demented Are Go

– One of my favorite bands, Demented Are Go. Their songs have been part of my life and now I have the honor of making a poster for them. I remembered so many concerts and so many moments next to them bar-hopping in the Psycho Meeting and Barcelona that I could not be inspired by anything else than Zombies! 😉 Rage, fury, filth, blood and Psycho! Demented Are Go




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